Friday, September 20, 2024

Still No Replacement for The Queets Seventh-day Adventist Church!

Thinking about working for Native Ministries? You may want to read the story "The Ellen White Cult" (see the links on the right). This is my story of how I was spiritually abused by Steve Huey, Monte Church, The Washington Conference, The Forks Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Port Angeles Seventh-day Adventist Church. 

Even if you are a devout SDA missionary (as I was), everything you say or think will be scrutinized. The Forks SDA church is INCREDIBLY conservative, almost going as far as an offshoot. Ellen White is revered there, and any questioning of her is not looked upon kindly. If you follow the letter of the Spirit of Prophecy, you will be accepted, but once you start to deviate from it, you will find that you will be watched, spied on, isolated, and ousted. This is not the drama you want in your life! 

Missionary work is hard work. It was soul-crushing for me. I would never, ever go back to that nonsense. You are expected to either work for free, fundraise, and then give back at least 10% of all that to a church that wants to send 1 Billion copies of the Great Controversy to the world. What a joke! 

Queets is a lovely little town, and I loved the people there. I loved them so much that I had to start to tell them the truth about the cultish practices involved with the SDA church. When I was back in Queets a couple months back for Queets Days, I saw that the parsonage and church was still empty and unused. This made me smile, because I know that no other missionary family is going through the utter hell we did. I am so glad to no longer be a Seventh-day Adventist!

Are you thinking about working with Native Ministries of the Washington Conference in Queets? Let me be 100% honest with you. After what these people have seen with the church and how "out there" "controlling" and "strange" it is, they are not going to want to be a part of such an organization. The SDA church is a HIGH CONTROL church. If you do not live according to their rules, you are going to not make it. I was absolutely shocked how we were supposed to be reaching Native Americans and bringing them into the church, but how they were looked down upon by the same church. The things I heard the church say about these people were disgusting at times, and completely false at best. The only thing that matters to the church is conquest and numbers. More tithe-payers and Ellen White book-buyers. There comes a time when you will not be accepted, and I learned that the hard way. 

I spent TEN YEARS as a missionary to a church that WOULD NOT ALLOW ME to ask questions. It was GOING TOO FAR when I asked about the truth of Ellen White. None of the evidence I found against her could be refuted by ANY of the Adventist pastors I brought it too. Instead, I was told to "ignore her for a while and come back later when I was more spiritually mature" or to "STOP." I was told that ELLEN G WHITE prophesied my path to apostasy. This church LIVES BREATHES AND WORSHIPS Ellen G White!

Now it's time to get the word out! If you are thinking about working for Monte Church, Steve Huey, Washington Conference Native Ministries in Queets, WA, PLEASE RECONSIDER! IT. IS. NOT. WORTH. IT.

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Still No Replacement for The Queets Seventh-day Adventist Church!

Thinking about working for Native Ministries? You may want to read the story "The Ellen White Cult" (see the links on the right). ...