The Ellen White Cult: Chapter 6

 Part VI :: First Departure


It would take some time for us to get our paperwork approved by the Conference. In the meantime, we would wait at the in-law’s house and bide our time by bouncing from Countryside and the Deer Park church. At this point, you may think we were crazy to keep going to Countryside. I would agree. I should have stopped at this point. Yet, I didn’t for a couple of reasons. I didn’t want to stir up any controversy by appearing to distance myself. Second, I was curious about everything that was taking place. Third, I was confused about how this factored in with religion, and little did I realize I was internalizing all these strange beliefs. Lastly, I believed that my presence could cause some kind of good. Perhaps I could be a silent witness for something besides Jesuit conspiracy.

Yet, now, a new type of conspiracy was taking shape. Albert had decided to move away from the Jesuit infiltration for a while (not completely, but a bit), and move towards another threat that a lot of YouTube pastors were loudly proclaiming. It was also a message that Bill Hughes had also been vocal about. There was also this pervading idea that the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church had become corrupt. In addition to Jesuits, Freemasons also had control of the SDA church. Prominently displayed on the board were quotes by Ellen White telling about a shaking in the church and vaguely describing how the SDA church was in apostasy. Paradoxically, Ellen White also claims the SDA church is not in apostasy and to assert it is in apostasy is a sin against God. In addition, sermons now came with imagery showing death and destruction from real and imagined world events. 

Albert had been testing the waters, and the waters were just right for this type of thing. The congregation LOVED it! They ate it up a schoolboy devours jello on a hot day. Images featuring mass graves, FEMA camps, holocaust footage, and more graced the screen at the front. In addition to singing “We have this hope that burns within our hearts” we learned how hopeless life had become. Population control via chemtrails and poisons to water became regular topics. The table out front was now loaded with pamphlets about all sorts of population control measures. No matter how many were added, the people wanted more of it. An aging population was eating up death for breakfast on Sabbath morning and could not get enough! “Friends, it is time to get ready for the Sunday law. There is not any time to tarry,” Albert would say.

There was a form of excitement missing from the lives of the congregations, and Albert was able to give the people what they craved. It was what they were lacking. For the audience, it was exciting and thrilling to hear how one would be able to escape natural death, and instead, be ushered away to receive a special golden crown* for one’s hard work in avoiding the Jesuit Sunday law. This was the very thing that Bill Hughes had used to fill up churches, and now Albert  was able to tap into it as well. This was how Hughes had drawn a crowd. Now Albert was on the way to realizing his own dreams. It was obvious that Albert was trying to capitalize on Hughes’ success by aiming to draw his own crowds with the same type of message.


*Note: Ellen White writes of golden crowns that will be given to those who enter into Heaven. Stars to represent those saved by the individual will be present. This works-based idea is not based on any biblical text, but is instead a remnant of Methodism, which Ellen White was a part of before she became the Adventist prophetess and cofounder.


As we waited for lunch, I found myself tarrying near the pamphlet table. DVDs on a wide variety of subjects graced the table. DVDs about the poisons in air water and food (chemtrails, fluoride, and GMOs) were particularly notable. “You have to watch that one,” Stephen said, handing me them. I never could get myself to do so. Freddy had always been against fluoride. I wondered if he had embraced it, would he still have his teeth? Looking around the room, teeth were a rare commodity. Dentists seemed to be in wide support for fluoride. For pastor Albert, fluoride as a weapon for population control was another Sabbath sermon.

The final month of living up on the in-laws' property was hard. I could tell that there was a lot of tension now about matters pertaining to religion and life. Stephen’s demeanor had begun to change from a happy demeanor to a more militant demeanor. Everything he talked about was about the Pope, Jesuits, or the Authorized King James Bible. Every time that the Great Hope was mentioned, he would go into a tirade about how Ted Williams and his Jesuit cronies should have never corrupted Ellen White’s* work. Freddy was also easily irritated, and he would spend much time talking to Pastor Albert, who had become somewhat of a mentor figure to the in-laws.


*Note: Although the Ellen White estate continues to push Ellen White like a stubborn turd as the true end-times prophet and present-day messenger of the Lord, those in more extremist camps tend to venerate her as on a level close to that of Jesus. It was stated that the Ellen White estate had been corrupted by Jesuit infiltrators who had added and subtracted words from her books.


I can’t express how happy I was to finally leave that place. I was given a

behemoth stack of DVDs to watch on the coast.

“These are better than anything the conference is going to tell you,” I was told. Many were from obscure pastors on YouTube or sermons by Albert that we had missed out on.

“You are going to watch them, right?” Stephen asked.

This stack of DVDs also included nail-biting sermons by the legendary Bill

Hughes and other pastors that were not involved with the Jesuit-controlled General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. As we left the mountain behind, our U-haul rocking back and forth on the washboard roads, with our Volkswagen towed behind, I felt a deep sense of relief. Why had I come back to that, I wondered.

Oh well, it was finally over. And that’s what matters.

The End


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