Sunday, September 15, 2024

I Would Not Get on Noah's Nasty Ol' Ark!

 You have heard it time and time again (or at least I have): "Those who were RIGHTEOUS were called to get on his ark, but nobody heard his call. All were rightfully destroyed by a gentle and compassionate God." 

I was talking to a friend of mine in Forks, WA and I told her that this was a NASTY test for God to engage in. How dare God test his people when there are SO MANY who claim and have claimed to have end of the world knowledge and end up hurting those who follow them! How many cults have formed where someone claims to know about the end of the world (the Seventh-day Adventist church is such a cult). 

If someone came up to me today and said to go with them into their dark place to await the end of the world, I would say HELL NO! David Koresh, Hale Bopp, Kool Aid... No thank you! Who in their right mind follows someone who claims to know about the end of the world? Why would God create this as a test to be saved? 

This is one huge problem I have with the Bible, yet the SDA church pushed the Noah story so hard. Why? Because the Seventh-day Adventist church is COPYING the Noah story for their own gain. Remember folks, the SDA church is the END TIMES REMNANT church who has the Spirit of Prophecy and keys to salvation. The SDA church claims a world wide Sunday law will cause the mark of the beast and, like the days of Noah, all who accept it won't be saved.

The SDA church and Ellen White claim that today is fast becoming or is like the days of Noah. Yet, when you leave the insular world of the SDA church you find that people on the outside are loving, kind, and peaceful individuals who only want what's best for their families and their lives. Most people are compassionate and would help another in need. I have many friends from around the world who are not Seventh-day Adventists, and never meet anyone who should be destroyed by a LOVING and MERCIFUL God. 

This was always one of those cognitive dissonance issues that I had with the church. I never understood how the Adventist church could claim it was "like the days of Noah" when I saw no reason for God to just start wiping people out. 

In my book "The Ellen White Cult" (see links on the right), I talked about how I was shocked at how Adventist pastors such as Jay Coon and Victor Marshall would spy on me and tattle on my questioning of Ellen White to Native Ministry Pastor Steve Huey! They were vicious when I started to question the church. Ellen White was lifted up like a goddess! And once I saw that and started to compare here with Mormon pioneer prophet Joseph Smith, I was ripped apart! The abuse that exists within the world of Adventism is vile! They say shunning doesn't exist within the SDA church, but it does--it's just not as in your face as others. But once you are out, many will look at you like you are lost. Pastors and leaders will start to back off and leave you. You will be blocked and isolated. This is the SDA way! 

In conclusion: There is no way I would ever get on an end times boat with some lunatic at the helm telling me he/she has end of the world knowledge. After being a part of a cult at Countryside Sabbath Fellowship in Deer Park there is ZERO CHANCE I would EVER set foot on such a boat. I would rather be eternally destroyed than deal with some hate-filled deity that partakes in such half-baked tests for salvation! 

But, you know what, dear reader? Ever since parting ways from Native Ministries leader Steve Huey and Monte Church, and the Seventh-day Adventist church with such folk as extremist Conrad Vine and Jay Coon, I have been 1000000000% happier! I don't need ELLEN G WHITE breathing down my neck and telling me how to organize every aspect of my life! Ellen White is a fraud and has no place in my life or anyone else's. Someone should have told her to MIND HER OWN DAMN BUSINESS and focus on HER OWN SALVATION. Yet, she was too busy eating oysters and duck and telling everyone else not to. That's on her. All I know is that I love my own life, and it's my own life to live. Thank the gods! 

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Still No Replacement for The Queets Seventh-day Adventist Church!

Thinking about working for Native Ministries? You may want to read the story "The Ellen White Cult" (see the links on the right). ...