Friday, September 13, 2024

One Year Out of Adventism!

It has been one year since I left the Seventh-day Adventist church and I have never been more empowered in my life! No longer do I bow down to Adventist leadership. People like Adventist Frontier Missions president Conrad Vine, Pastor Steve Huey, Pastor Jay Coon, or offshoot "pastor" Albert Fletcher of Countryside Sabbath Fellowship in Deer Park, WA has no say over my life! I no longer have to feel guilt for not eating what Ellen White says I should eat. I have no more guilt for having too much s*x! I no longer hold guilt for being alive. I no longer feel the need to please some distant God who answers or ignores prayers at his whim. 


I no longer have to wonder if Walter Vieth is telling the truth or if he is out there. I know he is. I know they are all! 


I love the freedom I feel now that I am no longer a member of the Seventh-day Adventist church!

I imagine (and shudder to think about) what life would be like if I was still in the church. What if I was still an AFM missionary? Oh hell no! What a nightmare! 

The rigid rules of Seventh-day Adventism are soul crushing.
It is a HIGH CONTROL RELIGION that brought me to my lowest point in life. I have watched how it has usurped the life out of other people, and I am back to tell my story (I was threatened before by Adventist pastors who did not like my previous blogs and writings). 

I am here to tell the truth about my time in the SDA church. I am here to spread the word about the dangers and deceptions of Seventh-day Adventism. The word is getting out, and I want to be a part of that word!

There is a reason why so many people in my family and many of my friends are now leaving the SDA church. The Adventist church has dismal attrition levels, despite its claim that it is the remnant end times church. 

Here's a newsflash for you: there's no such thing! 

I am glad to be back! This is going to be good!

One year free baby!

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Still No Replacement for The Queets Seventh-day Adventist Church!

Thinking about working for Native Ministries? You may want to read the story "The Ellen White Cult" (see the links on the right). ...