Thursday, September 26, 2024

Review of the Port Angeles Seventh-day Adventist Church

Port Angeles. A small city nestled in the heart of the Olympic National Park. Located on the northside of the park, against the Straight of Juan de Fuca, this little town is home to many things. Straight Slice Pizza, The Olympic National Park Visitors Center, and Alkemy Explorations are all some of places that grace this town. Another place is the Port Angeles Seventh-day Adventist church. This is my review for that establishment.

I have graced the hallowed halls of this church once or twice, but what really stands out about the PA SDA church is the pastor. Jay Coon is unlike any other pastor I have ever met in some ways. A real "Go Getter" is he. And that is admirable in some ways. However, what is not admirable is the fact that once you get on his bad side, he will cut you out faster than you can say "bread and blood."

Pastor Coon was my overseeing pastor when serving as a missionary in Queets, Washington (see the book "The Ellen White Cult" on the right. When I questioned the truth of Ellen White, Coon decided that he had to punish me. How? By ending communication with me and cutting off the electricity for the Native American church in Queets and parsonage! Even though I was an UNPAID MISSIONARY, Coon decided that I should pay for the church, rather than the Seventh-day Adventist church paying for its own church plant's electric bill! 

In addition, Coon had been overreaching and abusing his power in other ways. One such way was buying an RV to sleep in at the Forks Seventh-day Adventist church AGAINST THE WISHES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS! Coon had overstepped big time, and did not like that I knew about such things! Coon was a far better businessman than pastor, and sadly his pet projects came before a lot of people at both the Forks and Port Angeles churches that he oversaw. 

Pastor Coon's Magnum Opus, the Forks Creation Garden was another such fiasco that came at the expensive of the native people of Queets. Instead of making sure that his Queets church had running utilities, money was funneled into the Creation Garden project. A gated creation garden in Forks, a city that is in the center of the Olympic National Park? Are you kidding me? Is Adventism out of touch with reality or what? 

When Native Ministries leader Steve Huey was made aware of this, he refused to even bring it to Coon's attention! Staying out of Adventist leadership's way was more of the game for Steve, and Monte Church also followed suit. One thing about Adventists is that they hate confrontation. Protect the church at all costs is the name of the game!

These events were a huge reason that I began to question and research Adventism deeper. What else was going on under the hood of this strange religion? I was blown away when I started to see more of the lies that Ellen White had preached. Instead of punishing me for questioning, they could have came to me and studied. Maybe they would have found the same freedom that I found in the fact that Ellen Gould White is a massive fraud! 

Now I'm out and loving it! Thank you Pastor Coon and the Port Angeles, WA Seventh-day Adventist church! Freedom feels so good! 

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