Friday, September 20, 2024

Glad to Be Free From the SDA Church!

It's a good day to reminisce on being free. Back in the high-control religion of Seventh-day Adventism, life was almost pre-determined for me. It was my job to either be a missionary or give give give to the church. It didn't matter what skills I had in life. If they did not benefit the SDA church, they were worthless. 

Now I am free. My father-in-law passed away a couple of days ago, and he was one of those people who was knee deep in Ellen G White. He lived and breathed that woman. Now he's in a place where she is not seen as a prophet. I have no idea what happens after death (I don't believe the Bible's account of death, that's for sure), but I do believe that the soul or spirit lives on in some way. I believe that he has consciousness and I believe that he's either being reborn as a human (and thus has no idea about her), or he's a spirit world / different dimension, and that there is a lot of eye-opening revelations happening there. No matter what, he is no longer here, and his views of Ellen G White are no longer relevant. 

Adventism lost another Ellen Whitehead, and that is going to hurt the church. Like it or not, people are leaving the Adventist church. While pastors like Steve Huey, Monte Church, Jay Coon, and Conrad Vine continue to peddle the lies, the normal people are seeing Adventism for what it truly is: a high control religion that has no bearing in the modern world. We don't want your religion. We don't want your false prophet. We don't want your stupid rules for living. We don't want ANYTHING RELATED TO THE SDA CHURCH!

Now that I am free, I am both getting the word out and getting a LOT more comfortable in my own skin! It feels good to be me again. It's a slow process, but I am seeing results every single day. Adventism was the ultimate slavery. I kept hearing how we were "free in Christ" but what a lie that was! We were SERVANTS to a DEMON church lead by a NASTY FALSE PROPHET. I am glad to be out of the Washington Conference, Native Ministries and all that nonsense. 

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Still No Replacement for The Queets Seventh-day Adventist Church!

Thinking about working for Native Ministries? You may want to read the story "The Ellen White Cult" (see the links on the right). ...